Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Catching Up

So as my favorite Cajun Justin Wilson would say, how y'all are?

Several of you have asked for an update, so I decided I should keep this going. It will be a good journaling exercise as I try to write my book.

First of all, thanks from the bottom of my heart to all who have worried and prayed for me. I really appreciate it and attribute much of the success so far directly to those prayers. God is good!

So, how have I been? Glad you asked. I got home on the 15th of April. The expected five week stay in Germany turned into just two weeks. The flight home was a bit rough, but I have to say it was no more difficult than the flight over. I had less back pain coming than going. I didn't, however, have the same endurance and therefore the trip was quite taxing. I had my son with me on the first weekend home. Lucky for me Papa and GrandMaggie were there to help because I was exhausted.

I did very little that first Monday, mostly resting up from the trip and the weekend. I returned to work on Tuesday the 19th, working about 30 hours the first week. My pain and discomfort decreased daily and by the end of the week I was feeling pretty dang good. I would put my pain level the first week at about a 2 out of 10, with my average level before surgery varying between 7 and 9. So, needless to say I continued to be pleased with the results.

On Saturday the 23rd, I joined my dog fight group on the golf course and walked 9 holes, chipping and putting a little. It was nice to get out there and walk the course. It's something I haven't been able to do since becoming a member of the club. On Sunday I met my family at church for Easter. People looked at me like they were seeing an apparition! This is true for almost everyone who has seen me before and after. It is that dramatic.

I managed to work close to a full week last week and continued to feel better and better. I'd say that I get somewhere between 1% to 2% better with each new day. So, being that today is 35 days after surgery, I'd put myself at about 50% full speed. Considering I was about 25% before surgery, that is a marked improvement.

This has been my best week so far. I am basically pain free for the first time in many, many years. I include the word "basically" to say that I do still have some discomfort, but it has primarily been muscular in nature and handled with an Aleve or Ibuprofen. The biggest thing I've had to deal with so far has been my hamstrings. Man, those puppies have been on fire! They shortened tremendously while I had such poor posture. Now that I am standing and walking correctly, they have had to stretch back out. That's been a wee bit uncomfortable ... but my back doesn't hurt, so I can deal with the rest. I know the muscle and ligament issues will continue to improve as they already have. Honestly, I can't remember when I last felt this good, and I'm only half way there. Hope abounds!

I have spoken with the folks at Spinal Kinetics a time or two as they are very interested in my progress. It has been confirmed that I am the FIRST PERSON IN THE WORLD with four of their lumbar implants. Hey, you always knew I'd be the first in the world at something, right?

So, in summary, I get better every day. I've started working out a little and I am starting to get a little weight back. Walking is a breeze and life in general just seems better all the way around. I've begun to work on the book and have made contact with those I think can help me. I WANT PEOPLE TO KNOW ABOUT THIS! It's just too good to keep a secret.

Thanks friends for you love, care, and concern. I have needed every bit of it. I'll make a commitment to update this every Wednesday so you can keep up with my progress. If any of you have friends or loved ones dealing with some of the same things I have dealt with, don't hesitate to put them in touch with me. I'm here to help. I'll give y'all my secret phone number: 334-322-7009. Oops! Guess it's not a secret anymore huh? Take care all. Talk to you soon.

- Posted by ADP

Location:Wares Ferry Rd,Montgomery,United States